
Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Editorial - My EUROVISION Bucket List

So... a Bucket List. It doesn't have to be crazy, does it? Crazy as in: leap from tall buildings, sky dive, go to Space, etc. No? Well, that's exactly the OPPOSITE of mine! I've devised a Eurovision Bucket List of Eurovision-related activities I'm determined to do before I die.

1. Perform - sorry - Compose an entry. (I can't really sing too well.. I guess if the song isn't too high, I could perform).

2. View my country, the United Kingdom, win. (At this rate, may never happen.)

3. Go to a live show.

4. Actually predict the right winner for once (every year, I never correctly predict the winner).

5. Buy all the UK-Eurovision merchandise I can.

Obviously, some can be done next year (2 & 4) - but others will have to wait. Some will wait 5 years into the future, whereas others can be done sooner (1 - composing - can be done in 2015, if I get the right material) however (3 & 5) may require a good, settled career.

On another note... I'm completely addicted to:

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